最近開始認真聽英語教材,目前進度徘徊在童謠,"Mary had a little lamb"這首童謠整天在腦袋裡鬼打牆。辜狗了一下,這首童謠是由Sarah Josepha Hale在1830年所發表的童詩,後來由Lowell Mason 加上曲調所改編的,原文如下:
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow;
And everywhere that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.
He followed her to school one day;
Which was against the rule;
It made the children laugh and play;
To see a lamb at school.
"Why does the lamb love Mary so?"
The eager children cry;
"Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know,"
The teacher did reply.
讀了Wikipedia的介紹,原來這首童詩是根據真實事件改編的,不過當童詩紅了之後,很多養著寵物羊的"Mary"都跳出來宣稱自己就是那個"Mary",一般而言,大多數認為真正的主角是Mary Sawyer,她的家位在美國的Sterling, Massachusetts,而當初那隻小羊闖進的學校則是The Redstone School,後來被Henry Ford 買走後改建成教堂庭院,雖然Mary Sawyer的家在2007年被縱火焚毀了,但鎮中心仍有象徵Mary's Little Lamb的雕像。"Mary had a little lamb"有很多語言的版本,Youtube上還有變調版,實在很有趣。
Mary Sawyer's Lamb statue
Mary Sawyer's Lamb statue-2
Mary Sawyer's Lamb statue-3
- Feb 22 Wed 2012 12:26
Mary had a little lamb